Professional Tax in Tamil Nadu is applicable to all companies engaged in business activities and individuals practicing any profession, trade, calling, or employment. The tax is self-assessed and based on the half-yearly gross income of employees or professionals.
Professional Tax Rates
The Professional Tax rates in Tamil Nadu are categorized as follows:
- Up to Rs.21,000 of Half-Yearly Income – NIL
- Rs.21,000 to Rs.30,000 of Half-Yearly Income – Rs.135
- Rs.30,001 to Rs.45,000 of Half-Yearly Income – Rs.315
- Rs.45,001 to Rs.60,000 of Half-Yearly Income – Rs.690
- Rs.60,001 to Rs.75,000 of Half-Yearly Income – Rs.1025
- Rs.75,001 and above of Half-Yearly Income – Rs.1250
Services We Offer
As Labor Law Consultants, Mirrormira provides comprehensive services to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Professional Tax Act.
Our Services Include:
- Registration/Enrollment under Professional Tax.
- Providing day-to-day consulting on matters related to Professional Tax.
- Assisting in the deduction and payment of Professional Tax.
- Preparation and filing of periodic returns.
- Offering assistance during inspections and inquiries conducted by Inspectors.
- Keeping data and rates up-to-date in accordance with changes in Government Rules.